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Diary Entry 3 - 22 June 2017 (Pulau Ubin)

Those who read yesterday's entry will know today's is going to be a trip report. So let's get started!

First things first:
I woke up at 8am in the morning and left home at 9.30am. It took me around an hour to get to Tanah Merah MRT to take a bus. According to Google maps: Bus 35. Now, those who know their way would probably be asking why did I take 35? I'll explain in a bit.

My cute 'mei' ('younger sister' in Mandarin):
2 weeks ago, when I told her i'm going to Pulau Ubin, she already reacted like "NOOOO!!!" And only once she did not object to it. But today when I was on the train:
Haha, I love her so much, she's so cute!

En Route to the ferry terminal - Full of Setbacks:
So as bus 35 takes us along the perimeter of Changi Airport, I certainly did some planespotting. And apparently the app I was using to find the route of the bus wasn't updated, I got off at the wrong stop and was left stranded alone at a bus stop opposite of a foreign worker's dormitory.

So after waiting for the next bus and travelling another 10km on it, I missed the stop... And I ended up in the FedEx logistics area of the airport. Behind me was 2 FedEx planes (wanted to take photos, but didn't want to get into trouble with the security), a Boeing 777F and a Douglas DC-10. I eventually found my way to the previous stop and crossed the road to Changi Ferry Terminal. As I approached the customs officer, he told me that if i'm going to Ubin i should be at Changi Point Ferry Terminal located in Changi Village. That meant I forgot to key in 'point' into Maps...
1: Changi Ferry Terminal
2: SAF Ferry terminal
3: Changi Point Ferry Terminal
.As shown in the photo above, there are 3 ferry terminals in Changi. The one in green, 3 is where we want to go. But I ended up at 1. The distance between both: 4km... That place has no buses and taxis, I had to walk 2 km and only then, get on a bus. And so I did, good thing I brought along some Mars Bars. After the 30 minutes of walk, I finally got to a place where I was familiar with; Changi Beach Park where I always come for planespotting. 5 stops down on bus 19 and another 4 minutes of walking...

Let the adventure begin!!

Pictures speak more than words, so please enjoy some photos that I took. And just so you know, i'm no photographer,

Very few houses are sill in such a pristine condition. Many islanders have since moved to mainland Singapore and thus their houses have been abandoned.

This house is already kind of ruined...

What I believe is a place where they rear chickens?

Balai Quarry

Dog in the sun

Well, I have to say since rearing of animals are no longer allowed and that many have moved to mainland Singapore, there isn't much to enjoy. Other than the fact that it's an island 10 minutes away from city life and a 1960s 'kampung' ('village' in Malay) setting, it's pretty much like what we have like the various nature reserves we have here in Singapore such as Macritchie Reservior. The thing I like is that it retains the natural environment which is why we can see Dark Blue water in Balai Quarry and wild Boars roaming around.  

Overall, it can be fun to explore around on a bike. But there are some things that are a let-down. I will definitely continuing to explore that place, but once I finished exploring, that's it. I won't be going back.

3.5/5 stars

Well, this was a long one. I'm getting tired from all those slope climbing and my legs are hurting. I'm going to get some rest.


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